Multipart music really is a fascinating and complex phenomenon. Actually, it is a specific “mode of musical thinking, expressive behaviour and sound”. It means that multipart musics have a distinctive typicalness within the general music making sphere. To qualify this typicalness is the main aim of ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music) Study Group on Multipart Music (
The discussions of this Study Group are pivoted on a basic point: to study multipart music means to focus on what individuals do when they sing/play together in organized ways.
The book includes papers from the rst meeting of the Study Group (September 15-20, 2010, Cagliari – Sardinia). It opens with two introductory theoretical texts by Ignazio Macchiarella (Theorizing on multipart music making ) and Enrique Camara de Landa (Multipart music making between Spain and Latin America: some considerations related to the theoretical proposals of Ignazio Macchiarella), followed by papers organized in vesections:
1- Historical Perspectives: Gerda Lechleitner, Susanne Ziegler, Rossana Dalmonte, Vasco Zara and Massimo Privitera.
2- Theory and Concepts: Hugo Ferran, Žanna Pärtlas, Jacques Bouët and Joseph Jordania
3- Making Multipart Musics: Case Studies Mauro Balma, Joško Ćaleta, Fulvia Caruso, Daiva Račiūnaitė-Vyčinienė, Eno Koço, Giuseppe Massimo Rizzo, Girolamo Garofalo, Joao de Carvalho and Gerald Florian Messner.
4- Pyrenees an emerging eld: Philippe Cauguilhem, Jean Jacques Casteret, Jaume Ayats, Jean-Christophe Maillard and Iris Gayete.
5- Multipart Singing in Sardinia: Sebastiano Pilosu, Marco Lutzu, Roberto Milleddu and Paolo Bravi.
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