Patterns of Change in the Traditional Music of Southeast Asia presents original ethnographic research on the ways in which traditional music of this area of the world deals with change.
This includes change occurring due to globalization, diffusion of popular music, urbanization, heritagization, mediatization and other processes affecting music and culture in the last part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The volume deals with a significantly wide array of musical cultures and cultural minorities of both Mainland and Insular Southeast Asia. The chapters are devoted to discussing case-studies from Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia (Java and Sulawesi). Inculturation of the Catholic church, possession cults, shadow theatre and other theatrical genres, heritagization of traditional cultures and adoption of new musical instruments are among the main themes of this volume in which an anthropological approach is combined with musical analysis. Each chapter is provided with rich audiovisual documentation, accessible through a companion website.
The authors in this volume are young researchers from Italy and France who have carried out extended fieldwork in the area. Most of them studied at the University of Rome to then undertake different paths in their doctoral and post-doctoral studies and research. Lorenzo Chiarofonte (Burma/Myanmar), Ilaria Meloni (Java, Indonesia), Francesca Billeri (Cambodia), Véronique de Lavenère (Laos), Giorgio Scalici (Sulawesi, Indonesia), Vincenzo Della Ratta (Vietnam), Luca Pietrosanti (Java, Indonesia) present in depth and original studies on little known repertoires and areas of Southeast Asian music.
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